Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fork or Chopsticks

this blog is dedicated to the culinary geniuses who spent their entire lives experimenting with food. from tuna paste to cat vomit, from african dried lizards to indian monkey droppings, from earthworms to fc6 bak chor mee, etc. most imptly. there has been a breakthrough about the age old question..'which cutlery to use?' Fork or chopsticks?

fortunately, it was solved during lunch.

like an oversized woman who insists on an S-sized shirt, one must weigh your options.shld u go ahead and sacrifice a shirt or use a marker and try to change the XL to S? neither.just tell her tt the IN-ting is 'supersized me', afterwhich u proceed to show her whr the maternity ward is. so when tackling a bowl of wanton mee wad shld u use?

according to our leadin food expert, Raisins, he advises the public to think it thru carefully.use the fork and lose the chinese origins frm whr the wanton mee came from.use the chopsticks and risk having deformed hands.after spending a good 25min on his 30-min lunch break tackling the question, Raisins suddenly achieved nirvana!

turning arnd to face his fellow clubmates n onlookers who r shaking uncontrollably wif silent fits of giggles, he says,"FORK! I CHOOSE YOU!!" . he then began to utter nonsense which no one cared. one source claimed hewas allergic to chopsticks.

the food haven committee would like to thank Raisins for his wonderful contribution to the field of culinary expertise.for he showed the immense knowledge,skin and patience a starvin student who have been ashamed of. alas! the burning question of east meets west has been uncovered by the undaunted Raisins.for without him, we would still b grapplin wif 'em hands. n u all noe masturbation gives u hairy hands.



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