Sunday, December 03, 2006

T's the word.

im sure my frens can testify to me tt im an amiable person.i fun n peace loving.dun screw me,i dun touch u.however sometimes,a few idiots wld cross tt line.some nvr looked back.

recently,i met this very nice person.his name is mr ninabei-fucking-chaocheebye.he is frm MM.i usually like MM guys.they r all jokers.but this guy is a j to o to the k, e.his face is so messed up tt the plastic surgeons refer him to the priest instead for confessions.

aniwae i have no hatred for just happened.

so mr nnbfccb decided to referee our match against cadc yest.things were goin smoothly for the first 3 secs.then he started fuckin it up.he calls for fouls,but he doesnt call for decisions.instead, he immediately goes into his divine lotus pose,as described by mee.(puts 2 hands up n gives a heck care attitude)

nvm.i forgive n forget.however, he did the most wonderful ting i feel wld surpass the idiot's guide to bball rulin n behaviour.our dear sailor chan went up to the other ref in the game n requested to b subbed in.afterwhich he proceeded to jump on the spot to warm up.

*BEEP* "sailor chan gets technical foul".cuz he disturbed the referee.

wad happened nxt was the best cheoreographed moved yet.the whole team stood up n approached the cb.he was at the lotus position but i vaguely saw him shirk n a wet patch on his pants.nt crotch,pussy.

i swear,this guy is competing wif tt other ghost in my list.he definitely joins bin laden on the wanted list,n soon wif elvis on the dead list.

eh if u got a personal vendetta against SPSU dun cme to our clubhse n TRY to get our girls.u aint got nth,if i were u,i'd b running.ur balls so small,i'll just call it nxt to nth.

i noe u aint got no chance to read this.but dun wori.i'll make u feel it. inomine patreas et fille et spiritus sancti.amen.god bless your soul.

-wanton,peace out


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