Sunday, November 12, 2006

tampines zoo addition

Species Name: Kevalous Non Teetholus
Core Species: Homo Sapien
Habitat: Flats (Ocassionally at SH 115)
Diet: Anything soft and tasteless, will settle for porridge if supplies run low.
Origin: Unknown
Evolution Species: Kevalous Teetholus (In 6-8 months)
Visiting Hours: Due to unstable behaviour, please contact your local tour agent.

people.. TREASURE YOUR GOD DAMN TEETH MAN! i mean it! haha i was talking to one of my dudes don from canada.. that guys is like 40 plus and he told me this.. "if u break your teeth, make sure u keep replacing EVERY one u lose cos that 4000 bucks per teeth is gonna seriously help you when you're old and cant eat nothing! plus you don't want your baby daughter to ask.. daddy why do i have all my teeth and yours have not grown yet!" i swear those people from there are funny.. all full of shit but trust me man u cant drink from a cup without a straw you cant brush properly without failing to hurt something, you cant eat noodles you could try biting it off from the back teeth but its gonna hurt when it touches the front, you cant talk well you cant smile too often you cant go around without being the center of attraction (for all the wrong things) (and oh ya people just love to wipe their mouths in front of me now wonder if its a hobby or the kevalous non teetholus syndrome) but anyways just to drive the point home TREASURE THEM TEETH!! brush brush brush them while u have them! tsuch!



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