Thursday, November 09, 2006

a little humor always helps

for those who are bored (anyway you must be bored to come to this blog) check this out.. ms jolene was supposed to write a essay of at least 200 words for one of her assignments. she copied and pasted two definitions into the essay. then she got excited. in her tiredness illusions started appearing including her failed attempt to catch a leprechaun that could have made her rich but check this out:

jolene says:
so i thot i wrote 401 words already..but den i look at my para, i was tinkin so short got 401 words meh so i count one by one myself..den realised not i click word count again..den saw dey got put "words" ther

conclusion, characters does not mean words unless you're disillusioned. and about that leprechaun, it's still at large so start searching people, gold could be coimng your way.



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