Sunday, December 31, 2006


Happy New Year!

was at crazy horse celebratin the new year,so i guess i ended the year wif a bang.

new year resolution is to expand CHOICES.

n happy bdae bitch.come back alive n wif a corvette.

-peace out,wanton

Saturday, December 30, 2006

San Diego Annual Car Show 2006

im one lucky bastard the car show falls right on my arrival date man it was one hundred percent sex! i dun mean show girls but i mean them cars.. lets let em pics talk.. there are loads more but nah.. just a few..

featuring the mustang..

dont ask why i took one in the mazda 3 its for obvious reasons..

f1 anyone?

dee miata mx5 its rather spacious despite the size of it.

something u or i cant afford.. well for now at least..

lady n gents.. my fav car there e mazda 350Z

this is for u alex.. i told ya i saw a corvette well i din expect to sit in one its sweet..

this cost like 40000 only here man its USD but back in sg its like wad.. 90k?

simply sex man..

i dont look shocked i WAS shocked..

all right its time to sleep updates 101 coming up soon... guten nicht! auf wiedersehen bitches..


Friday, December 29, 2006

San Diego, Los Angeles, CA

hey people in the tropics.. this place is stunning man.. updates on that later firstly updates 101 about getting here...

for the first time in my life i didnt argue and kept quiet, well for a good reason cos i was talking to them cops at LAX.. i swear i aint a terrorist but then came this part where i had to walk out n there were rown n rows of cops.. who have the right to interview anyone they deem fit.. 7 of them (mind u all standing in the same line) stopped me n asked basically the same stuff.. and it went like.. why are u here.. where are u staying how long how much u carrying bla bla bla.. n when i said till the 23rd of jan 1 looked at me n asked.. that bag aint sufficient for clothes for that many days.. lemme see wads in it.. oh crap whatever do what u wish man.. then that ass went on asking why is u passport valid for 1 year when it was issued u gotta criminal record.. i said its cos i havent served ns n he was like.. that isnt it i deal with passports daily so tell me why... n i thought to myself yeah right u must have never seen a singaporean passport before i guess.. i swear la if i were back in sg i would have said more but my aunt said she don want trouble in the airport so i kept mum.

wanton this is for u... them ford mustangs n corvette's are plentiful man... ok i only seen 3 corvette's but mustangs a million... this place is seriously dope man...took pics but lazy to update em for now.. im like...16hrs behind u ppl... my cell phone doesnt work here forgot ill need a tri band for it.. oh ya i almost forgot this is what i heard on radio last nite... something like it not exactly word to word but it was whoa..:
as u all know a senator has to step down when he is deceased and as u all know (forgot the name lets call him dudeone for now) dudeone (his a democrat btw) is in the hospital now so we republicians being nice shall try to relieve him off his duties since death is imminent.. well at least it shows he will soon be deceased so people start praying for the 'well being' of dudeone and be sincere! (his tone was damn teasing all the way man) so u get the idea of the politics here... saddam is on the news.. literally 24-7 say he might be executed as early as this week end.. saw a guy at the cross juncction holding a placard saying HOMELESS... oh well thats life here and 1 last thing...

was talking to wanton about guns n the states... well on the day i came the news said some accident happened on the road a patrol car was there another came to help the first cop in a different car.. some1 from a neighbourhood sniped him the moment he got out of the car.. his alive n stable but critical.. n guess where.. it happened a FEW STREETS DOWN MAN!!! woo hoo.. god bless keval n god bless america! oh ya n half of the killed in action soldiers from iraq are from a military camp in san diego its just a mile or 2 from here.. realized its a quite militarized city san diego.. air national guard flies a broken arrow formation above us every 10 mins! peace out..


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Clubb Vault

Clubb Vault is open from mon to sat,12-10pm.entrance is free unless we decide to charge you.only living mortals and deserving ppl can enter.otherwise u'll b mocked at n ridiculed till u leave on ur own accord,or u cld pay us $500,000,000 in cash.

plush interior deco wif huge mirrors and a floor is equipped with state-of-the-art speaker bass system.probe lights included.

resident dj,DJ Karisma spinning ur favourite banghra music all nyt long.wif the occasional R&B,hip-hop music.

no alchohol can b consumed on the club's premises.only VIPs are allowed to.(you know ur a VIP when ur a VIP).

mon: ladies nyt
tues: ladies nyt
wed: ladies nyt
thurs: ladies nyt
fri: ladies nyt
sat: ladies nyt

contact us at for membership enquires.

this club happens to allow michael its a nono for u.


Friday, December 08, 2006

sp dance and cheer

the event was waves XI and it sure did pave a way for the club! it was one of the most awesome event i've attended in my whole poly life! with the exception of mechnitude, this was the most sexed up event you could be spotted at.

even before we were seated the boy beside me was screaming not one not two but three girls names out.. and i swear he was getting happier by the second as stuff unfolded on the stage.. to the amazement of my other friend who visited sp for the first time of course..

the bboys were good but what really took center stage was when just 3 people from nanyang poly got on and did their thing.. my gawdness... it was freaking AWESOME! the damn confidence and attitude coupled with their moves was simply whoa! they was rousing up the crowd like whoa, making them fans scream for more like woah! their item was seriously toe to toe blow for blow like whoa i swear!

then came of course.. my choo cb's long awaited item.. we managed to fill up 19 cups of saliva during his 6 minutes drooling encounter when you know who and you know who were on stage doing you know what while choo cb was doing you know wad! but it was awesomeness to the motherfucking core la..

then came the biggest shocker of times.. sharina and me once did this move taught by sonia where the guy carries a girl in both arms with her lying down.. she locks her legs on his arms n swings her body 1 round around him n he catches her on the other side.. yes it may sound hazy but its seriously a kinda touchy touchy move n it can get uncomfortable if you're not professional about it.. but the biggest shocker was this modern dance where guys were doing it to guys n the whole dance was totally faggoty.. it was a pure faggot dance where the guys were caressing each other and what the hell on stage.. like yo.. get a room dude!! it was seriously sick shit that makes ur prick trip. with the exception of that everything was dope..

n the 'faces' performance was the dopest shit i seen i na theatre.. i mean coolness or what.. guys appeared from no where with no faces carrying an umbrella (with ladies shouting cos of some shock therapy) and the whole dance was nice.. jeff was already sexed up during the interval and for JEFF to get sexed up you simply get the point! ass talked to me with saliva flying out everywhere.. thanks for ur shower of blessings bitch.

it was VERY worth the 10 bucks.. and too bad the event ended up with an asshole beatboxer (yes you're good) but you're seriously weak dude.. you're a motherfucker to all of us since hollaback crew.. you know what you did.. you aint even half as good as your bro in dance.. oh wait you cant dance all you can do is stand in trance. you're egos just too god damn big blown. whateverr..

alright.. as the deal went btw wanton and mee ill cover this and he will cover the launch of 'club vault' look out for that soon. fyi invites strictly.. and it aint no postcard giveaway like milkshake @ mos.. im too damn sleepy.. if anything up there didnt make sense.. don bother deciphering it.. it most probably DOES NOT make any sense..


Sunday, December 03, 2006

T's the word.

im sure my frens can testify to me tt im an amiable person.i fun n peace loving.dun screw me,i dun touch u.however sometimes,a few idiots wld cross tt line.some nvr looked back.

recently,i met this very nice person.his name is mr ninabei-fucking-chaocheebye.he is frm MM.i usually like MM guys.they r all jokers.but this guy is a j to o to the k, e.his face is so messed up tt the plastic surgeons refer him to the priest instead for confessions.

aniwae i have no hatred for just happened.

so mr nnbfccb decided to referee our match against cadc yest.things were goin smoothly for the first 3 secs.then he started fuckin it up.he calls for fouls,but he doesnt call for decisions.instead, he immediately goes into his divine lotus pose,as described by mee.(puts 2 hands up n gives a heck care attitude)

nvm.i forgive n forget.however, he did the most wonderful ting i feel wld surpass the idiot's guide to bball rulin n behaviour.our dear sailor chan went up to the other ref in the game n requested to b subbed in.afterwhich he proceeded to jump on the spot to warm up.

*BEEP* "sailor chan gets technical foul".cuz he disturbed the referee.

wad happened nxt was the best cheoreographed moved yet.the whole team stood up n approached the cb.he was at the lotus position but i vaguely saw him shirk n a wet patch on his pants.nt crotch,pussy.

i swear,this guy is competing wif tt other ghost in my list.he definitely joins bin laden on the wanted list,n soon wif elvis on the dead list.

eh if u got a personal vendetta against SPSU dun cme to our clubhse n TRY to get our girls.u aint got nth,if i were u,i'd b running.ur balls so small,i'll just call it nxt to nth.

i noe u aint got no chance to read this.but dun wori.i'll make u feel it. inomine patreas et fille et spiritus sancti.amen.god bless your soul.

-wanton,peace out