Friday, December 29, 2006

San Diego, Los Angeles, CA

hey people in the tropics.. this place is stunning man.. updates on that later firstly updates 101 about getting here...

for the first time in my life i didnt argue and kept quiet, well for a good reason cos i was talking to them cops at LAX.. i swear i aint a terrorist but then came this part where i had to walk out n there were rown n rows of cops.. who have the right to interview anyone they deem fit.. 7 of them (mind u all standing in the same line) stopped me n asked basically the same stuff.. and it went like.. why are u here.. where are u staying how long how much u carrying bla bla bla.. n when i said till the 23rd of jan 1 looked at me n asked.. that bag aint sufficient for clothes for that many days.. lemme see wads in it.. oh crap whatever do what u wish man.. then that ass went on asking why is u passport valid for 1 year when it was issued u gotta criminal record.. i said its cos i havent served ns n he was like.. that isnt it i deal with passports daily so tell me why... n i thought to myself yeah right u must have never seen a singaporean passport before i guess.. i swear la if i were back in sg i would have said more but my aunt said she don want trouble in the airport so i kept mum.

wanton this is for u... them ford mustangs n corvette's are plentiful man... ok i only seen 3 corvette's but mustangs a million... this place is seriously dope man...took pics but lazy to update em for now.. im like...16hrs behind u ppl... my cell phone doesnt work here forgot ill need a tri band for it.. oh ya i almost forgot this is what i heard on radio last nite... something like it not exactly word to word but it was whoa..:
as u all know a senator has to step down when he is deceased and as u all know (forgot the name lets call him dudeone for now) dudeone (his a democrat btw) is in the hospital now so we republicians being nice shall try to relieve him off his duties since death is imminent.. well at least it shows he will soon be deceased so people start praying for the 'well being' of dudeone and be sincere! (his tone was damn teasing all the way man) so u get the idea of the politics here... saddam is on the news.. literally 24-7 say he might be executed as early as this week end.. saw a guy at the cross juncction holding a placard saying HOMELESS... oh well thats life here and 1 last thing...

was talking to wanton about guns n the states... well on the day i came the news said some accident happened on the road a patrol car was there another came to help the first cop in a different car.. some1 from a neighbourhood sniped him the moment he got out of the car.. his alive n stable but critical.. n guess where.. it happened a FEW STREETS DOWN MAN!!! woo hoo.. god bless keval n god bless america! oh ya n half of the killed in action soldiers from iraq are from a military camp in san diego its just a mile or 2 from here.. realized its a quite militarized city san diego.. air national guard flies a broken arrow formation above us every 10 mins! peace out..



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