Saturday, November 11, 2006

went to mos last night.. with alex and friends.. was quite a good day i'd say been a good 3 weeks since i went clubbing.. met loads of people there.. shad, crystal, jaslyn, mike, sebest, jas, justin, diana.. practically the whole of bar opiume, still as fun that group of them opiume rocks! haha they never used to go mos it was always down to zouk when i was working there! asked me if i wanna go back i smiled n they laughed looking at my teeth.. but most importantly jolene came! how cool is that! jolene siow hui min came! haha well with her ex and a friend on tow but nevertheless i was happy!

first time(n i hope the last) keval broke down emotionally, no shit, never seen him like that before, a first to see someone cry a first to see someone throw his temper(and vitasoy) when he has been soooo cool headed always.. i guess the lonliness must have gotten to him after two years, cheer up dude jolene is there for you! she's a nice girl and you're a nice guy. anyway i went clubbing with a guilty mind knowing that im supposed to study.but then again the allure of my frens and the absence of my mum is too tempting for me to miss this opportunity. aniwae, i guess yest was alryt. alot of ppl as usual but frog was complainin the lack of girls and the quality of it all.haha peng siew was having a gd time, i guess gd was an understatement was fun la.but i nvr really did enjoy clubbin.began the day wif teriyaki boys.aha wad a night/day..
Hey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love.
Every time you're near I feel like I'm in heaven, feeling high I don't want to let go, girl.
I just need you to know girl.
I don't wanna run away, baby you're the one I need tonight,
No promises.
Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms
Here tonight.
- wanton mee


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