Thursday, November 30, 2006


dedication to choo and you know who.

Put your right hand up, Put your left hand up
Put your right hand up, Put your left hand up
Put your right hand up, Put your left hand up
Put your right hand up (Man, man)
It’s whateva, whateva, whateva, it’s whateva, whateva, whateva, whateva, it’s whateva.

Best song to suit the times now aye? Whatever! For the full version pls feel free to contact mee in msn.


Monday, November 27, 2006

virtues cont'd

i rose at the crack of noon and walked up a dirt path. i was told that up there i would find everything i ever wanted. met a few familiar faces on the way, the ying yang twins, my ol' buddy adolf, he must have liked the heavy mist of the chinese mountains.. it kinda gives u a feeling of permanent drowsiness (without getting pissed drunk of course) and of course a few samsui women who went about their duties.. the path was painful.. i had with me a flask of warm water my robes on and an ancient map.. also with me i carried an option to suddenly have anything i felt necessary.. like how i took my pda out to blog this entry.. till the next entry.. may the good lord bless me from all vultures.. there are currently 6 following me right now..

Sunday, November 26, 2006


i'd gone off to a faraway cave up in the chinese mountains to acquire a new form of culinary excellence.i'll b writing a book abt look out!

patience is a keep waiting for my entry, virtous ppl!

Friday, November 24, 2006

notice of possible closure/construction works

the wanton mee shop is currently going through some major renovation and might be dormant for a few days/weeks/months/years but hey we WILL open for business someday. master chef wanton and master chef mee are currently busy refining the right concoction of lard (loyal customer chan xx daryl says lard should overpower chilli by a ratio of 100:1 but his 'wife' thinks the other way around) and chilli to make that perfect palate of wanton mee so please be patient.
suggestion and comments go onto the tagboard and to try the famous wanton mee mentioned here please rally at the bus stop (but 21 from pasir ris, stop after 22 stops, i think) every night at 10pm and someday we will see you there and bring you along.. alfresco dining starts at 6pm. please strictly adhere to the dress code of shorts and shirt. singlets (pardon the pun.. oops i mean myself) are allowed..

-mee on behalf of wanton mee

forgotten entry

i just realized that it was agreed that this was supposed to be the first entry of the blog.. wrote it one night when i was pissed with the Präsident der Studentengewerkschaft and it was dedicated to mr. wanton.. i'm sure many have seen it but some haven't and for all time sake here it goes:

a place where your face is plastered up on the glass,
that same place that we all hung out after class,
but today's a case of you can kiss my ass,
or embrace your position with that esidency pass,
keep in mind not to diss and piss whenever you wish,
the very people who once helped you fag,
and yea its you im talking about you faggot ass,
the same one who asked for assistance in the past.

the day you leave we'll fly flags at half mast,
not cos we're sad or the fact that we couldn't care less,
but cos the mess you brought about will be a thing of the past,
taking power as your sole empowering tower,
u shreded the unity like an unforgiving land mower,
although its not the first time i've seen such a class act,
its horrible considering that he was a nice chap.

look at him now such a brainless nut,
face smug looking fit for a place in my butt,
proclaiming innocence when you're really a conniving thug,
nothing nice to convey just zip it shut,
cos our plight is simple we dont leave without a fight,
your little croney with you that motherfucking looney,
can sit 'esdie you hands clasped in entity,
for his just as stubborn that brainless jack,
who hasn't realized his peers don't lose track,
the amount of shit he puts forth and acts,
arrogant as fuck a face worth to smack.

-mee, 22nd July 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006


went for my driving lesson today.. freaking hell i couldnt control the damn thing at first more like i could but was floorin' the pedal to little and clutch too much.. instructor was weird.. he was like looking through a dictionary all the damn way.. i asked him.. sir what you looking for.. and he said.. some words and i was like ok.. cos we had like alot of time whilst waiting in the queue for stuff.. then that ass told me.. "wah dictionary got the word fuck!" i was like thinking did he just say the f word.. i went over to look at the book and hell yes the word was there.. and he was reading and laughing.. now i know why they quote dirty old man out.. but it was delirious lar.. imagine going through a test route and he finds the next vulgarity and he asked me.. "got wad other english curse word huh?" i swear lar! if anyone ever goes to comfort driving center and gets car number 10 you will meet this dude.. but at least at the end he said i can drive well.. well i don't care if i drive well today i just wanna drive well on one day and that's friday.. talkative chap..

went over to diana's place after that to talk cock chit chat.. naughty girl never go school.. haha i asked her for a dictionary.. and LMAO almost every single word you can think of is there.. she must have been wondering why the hell i wanted a dictionary at this age! awesomeness lar.. yes she did find out in the end.. and no ur gonna need a chinese dictionary for those other words girl! actually its quite intrigueing i guess.. just got home.. i am so gonna continue my dictionary searches soon but maybe more to proper words.. haha never had so much fun with that ol' thick dusty book on the shelve..

for those who are bored enough to read till here... go grab your dictionary.. come on i swear lar.. at least one of you will do it!

-his excellency mee

Sunday, November 19, 2006

celebrations - of life

today was a wholistic day... spent the wee hours of the mornin doing some art... slept woke up met alex in town and went to chill at billy bombers... met chai ling on the way to hereen... alex said she's not bad.. too bad she was my ex.. as the theory goes.. thy shalt not hit on em brothers exs... well done choo chee bai... chai ling.. if u are reading this, dont let em heads swell... choo cb will always be choo cb... qian ru messaged me out of no freaking where... my first crush in primary 5 i think.. or was it not i dunno..

spent 3 hrs in the library chilling to rnb tracks while reading some italian cuisine book... rosemary sprigs anyone? cheese seems to be a biggie there too... anyways.. chilled with choo cb and zai at bedok... out of all places.. wonder why... and it was kinda cool... stole some internet connection (just like im doing now) and got loads of words of encouragement from kai ling..thanks girl.. you rock... ill TRY to stay out of the panda's cage ya.. try to keep confined in the monkeys but im sure we can visit during playtime! lol wadever..

choo cb claims he has nothing to do with the ceo'ship of choices as of today... too many for him to handle.. he called up his old ceo (keval) to propose a handover... well we will see... updates 101 coming up soon... guten nicht.. auf wiedersehen frau... tsusch...

-hrh (his royal highness once again) the courageous mee

Saturday, November 18, 2006


i guess this year,SPSU is mounting a serious challenge for the shield.

for one, the bball team has won its first ever match in really glad tt it happened,and it was a bonus tt it was under max-n-alex reign.i havta thank all those who put in so much effort into the team.we won all our frenlies n matches expect the sports club frenly but i do hope tt wif all our committment n hardwork tt we may b able to win both the bball n capt ball category.

other than the elbows,vulgarities n bickering,we r a gd team.HAHA

Marcus Wong
De Zhan

not in order of mental stupidity &
in loving memory of keval's teeth.Amen.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

16th december no more

mee has been officially deferred from national service liabilities for a minimum of 3 months after which he will be re-examined to re-establish his pes status. he is currently holding a d pes status. boys of 1987, mee might just go in with you all.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

tampines zoo addition

Species Name: Kevalous Non Teetholus
Core Species: Homo Sapien
Habitat: Flats (Ocassionally at SH 115)
Diet: Anything soft and tasteless, will settle for porridge if supplies run low.
Origin: Unknown
Evolution Species: Kevalous Teetholus (In 6-8 months)
Visiting Hours: Due to unstable behaviour, please contact your local tour agent.

people.. TREASURE YOUR GOD DAMN TEETH MAN! i mean it! haha i was talking to one of my dudes don from canada.. that guys is like 40 plus and he told me this.. "if u break your teeth, make sure u keep replacing EVERY one u lose cos that 4000 bucks per teeth is gonna seriously help you when you're old and cant eat nothing! plus you don't want your baby daughter to ask.. daddy why do i have all my teeth and yours have not grown yet!" i swear those people from there are funny.. all full of shit but trust me man u cant drink from a cup without a straw you cant brush properly without failing to hurt something, you cant eat noodles you could try biting it off from the back teeth but its gonna hurt when it touches the front, you cant talk well you cant smile too often you cant go around without being the center of attraction (for all the wrong things) (and oh ya people just love to wipe their mouths in front of me now wonder if its a hobby or the kevalous non teetholus syndrome) but anyways just to drive the point home TREASURE THEM TEETH!! brush brush brush them while u have them! tsuch!


Saturday, November 11, 2006

me to you

i know when he's been on your mind that distant look is in your eyes, I thought with time you'd realize it's over, over. it's not the way I choose to live and something somewhere's got to give, as sharing this relationship gets older, older. You know I'd fight for you but how I can fight someone who isn't even there, I've had the rest of you now I want the best of you I dont care if that's not fair. Cause I want it all or nothing at all, there's no where left to fall when you reach the bottom it's now or never, is it all or are we just friends, is this how it ends with a simple telephone call you leave me here with nothing at all. There are times it seems to me, I'm sharing you with memories, I feel it in my heart but I don't show it, show it. And then there's times you look at me, as though I'm all that you can see, those times I don't believe it's right I know it, know it. Don't make me promises baby you never did know how to keep them well, I've had the rest of you now I want the best of you, it's time for show and tell. Cause you and I, could lose it all if you've got no more room, no room inside for me in your life. Cause I want it all or nothing at all there's no where left to fall, it's now or never.

went to mos last night.. with alex and friends.. was quite a good day i'd say been a good 3 weeks since i went clubbing.. met loads of people there.. shad, crystal, jaslyn, mike, sebest, jas, justin, diana.. practically the whole of bar opiume, still as fun that group of them opiume rocks! haha they never used to go mos it was always down to zouk when i was working there! asked me if i wanna go back i smiled n they laughed looking at my teeth.. but most importantly jolene came! how cool is that! jolene siow hui min came! haha well with her ex and a friend on tow but nevertheless i was happy!

first time(n i hope the last) keval broke down emotionally, no shit, never seen him like that before, a first to see someone cry a first to see someone throw his temper(and vitasoy) when he has been soooo cool headed always.. i guess the lonliness must have gotten to him after two years, cheer up dude jolene is there for you! she's a nice girl and you're a nice guy. anyway i went clubbing with a guilty mind knowing that im supposed to study.but then again the allure of my frens and the absence of my mum is too tempting for me to miss this opportunity. aniwae, i guess yest was alryt. alot of ppl as usual but frog was complainin the lack of girls and the quality of it all.haha peng siew was having a gd time, i guess gd was an understatement was fun la.but i nvr really did enjoy clubbin.began the day wif teriyaki boys.aha wad a night/day..
Hey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love.
Every time you're near I feel like I'm in heaven, feeling high I don't want to let go, girl.
I just need you to know girl.
I don't wanna run away, baby you're the one I need tonight,
No promises.
Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms
Here tonight.
- wanton mee

Thursday, November 09, 2006

letter of resignation.

Mr. Wanton, ladies and gents, ok minus the gents... the current founder cum ceo of c.h.o.i.c.e.s has retired a few months ago (sorry for the late resignation, i hope the board understands) due to permanent commitments (i.e. u know who) (oh ya by the way ex ceo had a 5hr 55min conversation on the phone with you know who, now thats a first.) however having the ration at 2.5:1.5 now, its in the best interest of c.h.o.i.c.e.s that we either wrap up (i don't think it would go down well with the members) or mr. wanton takes over with immediate effect. take this as your formal appointment of your new position, interviews are not necessary since you possess the necessary skills to steal hugs.

and we may not advocate barney or sesame street, but no one ruled teletubbies out. peace and one love.

- hrh (his royal highness fyi) mee


i noe abt spreading the love but i tink sharing stops at frenly hugs. we aint promoting sesame street,care bear or barney.but we cld give 'em a run for their money


recruitment drive

Calling all young hot blooded people out thr!

It is with great pleasure to inform you that C.H.O.I.C.E.S company intl pte ltd is currently recruiting new members for its annual & daily recruitment drive.

So if you are cold,like a dead fish,have smelly armpits,have a bald patch,hairy hands(nt due to birth defect if u noe wad i mean),poor,exposes only ur eyes,hair at the wrong places,pls leave this site immediately.ur applications will not be entertained.

other than that,pls drop us a copy of ur photo,name,hp no,email,D.O.B,financial statement,ur 'sizes' and other relevant materials,(xtra 'mailing' fee do apply) and kindly mail it to

u'll noe if ur selected if ur given a miss call frm 966914**. shortlisted candidates will be invited by our founding member and CEO,mr mee. he will personally conduct the interview with wear comfortable clothing tt day as it might get hot in herre,i mean thr.

males need not apply for ANY available job vacancies.u'll be hunted dwn instead.


a little humor always helps

for those who are bored (anyway you must be bored to come to this blog) check this out.. ms jolene was supposed to write a essay of at least 200 words for one of her assignments. she copied and pasted two definitions into the essay. then she got excited. in her tiredness illusions started appearing including her failed attempt to catch a leprechaun that could have made her rich but check this out:

jolene says:
so i thot i wrote 401 words already..but den i look at my para, i was tinkin so short got 401 words meh so i count one by one myself..den realised not i click word count again..den saw dey got put "words" ther

conclusion, characters does not mean words unless you're disillusioned. and about that leprechaun, it's still at large so start searching people, gold could be coimng your way.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

New Attractions

Dear Visitors,

there will b a new attraction in town.
a new breed of monkey, kevalous teetholus, will b gracing the blog's grounds. however charismatic it may look, pls b warned tt it's equipped wif sharp teeth n a nasty tongue. these afghan monkeys r also specially trained by the taliban infidels up in the caves. they r well-versed in c-4 making and will nt hestitate to blow themselves up if irritated.

do note tt feeding hours r frm 11pm till's when they r most active n bored. they only consume thai bananas and 7-11 big gulps. DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT let them consume alchohol,esp 151. unless u wan sme teeth rearrangement.


Friday, November 03, 2006

ol' king keval was a merry ol' soul

and a merry ol' soul was he.

first and foremost thanks to all that visited me... especially jolene.. my most frequent visitor.. care taker.. entertainer.. and personal moral support crew..

anyways for those who don't know i fell AFTER not during a basketball game.. god knows wad happened.. i just fell had to land on my freaking mouth and cracked 3 teeth.. which resulted in a 5 day stay in the prestigeous singapore general hotel.. with first class room service at the press of a button and the added function of calling room service if one of the other 5 old people (read: it wasnt a old folks home mind you) couldnt do it themselves.. more outpatient treatment to come.. teeth implants at 12k but bill goes to my poor mum.. teeth to me.. a lost trip to australia for 20 days cos i got my appointments here.. a possible forfeiture of my driving test date unless im cleared by my neurosurgeon (that motherf was a jerk off).. a possible drop in pes status that i freaking don't want.. i treasure my A.. possible re-hospitilization if the results of the 24hour eeg comes up with weird findings.. but then again.. im alive so i gotta count my blessings..

wanton's a punk who'll screw any cunt
even if his bullet's blunt he'll put up a front
try to slant it in when u know u shant
be the one who'll be in need of want
